
Showing posts from April, 2018

Get Detailed Insight On Waterfall Methodology For Your Next Project

View Larger Image Project management is about practising, initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of your team. It is about delivering the final product on a timely basis. Products are temporary, but business is permanent. If you want to run your business efficiently, it is necessary to have a PMT differing from product to product. What is the waterfall? The waterfall is a project management approach. It is called the waterfall approach as in this approach the project is completed in distinct stages and moves step by step like a fall. The final step is to release the project to customers. You have big plans for your project, but you execute it in a linearly assuming there won’t be any changes in the planned approach. Take the traditional project management approach and apply it to the software development you will get a Waterfall.  Waterfall project management approach is not an invention just a name given because of the methodology. There

2 Ways To Know It’s Time To Change Your Online Marketing Agency

View Larger Image If you’ve ever hired an Internet marketing agency to do some work for you, chances are you’ve also thought about firing them as well. According to a report from the Agency Management Institute, nearly half of companies who use an Internet marketing agency have fired and hired another agency in the last two years. Does this mean that using an online marketing agency is a bad thing? Not at all! But, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be guaranteed success either. 1. Your Company Doesn’t See Any Results The Agency Management Institute has noted that 46% of businesses will let an agency go because they do not see any results. Sounds like a good reason to let any agency go, right? If you’re paying to see results and are not getting any, why should you keep them around, right? It’s not always that simple. There are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you decide the agency is at fault: WAS I CLEAR ABOUT MY EXPECTATIONS? Many times, a market

5 Steps To Make Your Social Content Great [Infographic]

View Larger Image You surely want to be a success on social media and you want new content your followers would want to share on different media platforms. Five steps you can take to attain the successful status on social media. Click to continue reading

Whats New With The Updated Google Adwords Keyword Planner This Year

View Larger Image The new Google Adword Keyword version lays out an all-new simplified design with new Adword experience. All the SEO’s out there must try the updated Google Adword. You will see a new haul of Adwords Keyword Planner in the new AdWords interface. Here is what our SEO has to say about the new Keyword Planner ” New Google AdWord Keyword Planner update is easy to use for the user. Also, so many new things which are added mobile search volume chart, Organic impression share and Organic average position are very much useful for the keyword selection and strategy creation. The new forecast section is too cool, it immediately shows us total performance impact, max CPC of the keywords and we can play with the bid as well.” The new version is much more streamed line than the old one. The opening page consists of just two options “Find new keywords” and “get metrics and forecasts for your keyword.”  This is a no confusion version. Click to continue reading

Know If Your Marketing Is Creative Enough To Target Millennials

View Larger Image It was far more comfortable during the conventional days when conventional techniques worked well to attract the youth. Creativity and efforts were required for designing campaigns and writing engaging copies. Advertising professionals were more concerned about the output rather than measuring effects of their creative campaigns. Who exactly are millennials?  A millennial is anyone born in the 80’s, or 90’s the member of Generation Y. The millennials have  the annual buying power of $200 billion . We are an immense force for all the marketers. Today in the digital marketing world measurement means everything to marketing and communication professionals. Your creation will be a failure if you don’t have any data showing your measurements, data, analysis and the effects of showing demographics of the target audience. Click to continue reading

How To Use Social Media Marketing Tools For Multiple Clients

View Larger Image Marketing Agencies are managing multiple clients at the same time. Sometimes it becomes difficult to publish for all the clients at the same time. This may hamper your relationship with your clients. It is very important to post regular content in the digital marketing world. There are many little things that you ought to remember like all the passwords of your client. There are many SME’s who want to hire a marketing agency for Social Media Marketing, but agencies fail to give what they promised the client due to an overload of clients. With Social Media marketing tools you can easily manage your clients. Check out five ways marketing agencies can use social media management tools to save themselves from all the trouble. 1. Create Social Media Account Groups for scheduling You are managing nine clients at the same time and it purely depends on you if this can be smooth or confusing and chaotic. Social media management tools will allow you

Know If Your Marketing Is Creative Enough To Target Millennials

View Larger Image It was far more comfortable during the conventional days when conventional techniques worked well to attract the youth. Creativity and efforts were required for designing campaigns and writing engaging copies. Advertising professionals were more concerned about the output rather than measuring effects of their creative campaigns. Who exactly are millennials?  A millennial is anyone born in the 80’s, or 90’s the member of Generation Y. The millennials have the annual buying power of $200 billion. We are an immense force for all the marketers. Today in the digital marketing world measurement means everything to marketing and communication professionals. Your creation will be a failure if you don’t have any data showing your measurements, data, analysis and the effects of showing demographics of the target audience. Not only the demographics but enticing the target audience to convert.  In today’s world, this is a dark reality when your audience is the

How To Easily Build Backlinks To Your Website

View Larger Image Backlinks are an important part of your SEO strategy and when done the right way can help you generate a huge amount of traffic to your website. And how are backlinks going to generate more traffic to your website?  Backlinks are like recommendations to your website:  the more you have it the better it is. The more backlinks you have from high-authority websites the higher impact it has on your website. Backlinks are a search engine’s way of figuring out who well recommended and trusted your website is, and that way it knows to rank it higher in search engine result page (SERP) which in turn brings you more traffic. Click to continue reading

5 Ways To Select The Right Outsourcing Partner For Your Organisation

Outsourcing ensures timely and transparent compliances of your state laws, accounts, and other compliances or services. Usually small and medium enterprises outsource their accounts and compliance matters to a firm or a company. Choosing the right and most suitable partner for your organization is the only way for the long-term benefit of your company. Outsourcing is the most cost-effective ways for any SME, but along with this factor, you should consider other terms and conditions that will fulfill the outsourcing purpose entirely. Any company should consider the following criteria before choosing the outsourcing partner. 1. Business Goals- You should know yours outsource partners future business goals. Long term and short term business goals will help you determine if the firm is a suitable partner for your company or no. The future of your outsourcing partner will evaluate your potential companies growth. Ask for past customers feedback and contact details so that

Here Are A Few Tips On How To Use Google Alerts For Blogging

View Larger Image Now with Google alerts you can use to keep a track on your content. As a blogger, I have ignored this tool for quite a while like most of the bloggers do. If you leverage this tool correctly, it can do wonders for you. Google has always been used for seeking information. Google Alerts is one such powerful tool for all bloggers who are looking for trending topics, specific keywords or terms. There are a variety of tools like  BuzzSumo  that are used to keep an eye on web related activities. But these are paid tools. If you are looking for a free tool, then Google alert is the best tool for seeking blogging pertaining information. Click to continue reading

21 Questions A Hiring Manager Should Ask When Hiring A Social Media Manager

There comes a phase in an organization when you realize you need a social media manager to market your business online. The valuable opportunities available online will give a chance for your business to go viral online. Social media marketing is not only a platform to go viral but is also an opportunity for you to connect with people. Once people have connected with your organization or product, they will definitely become your prospective leads. The ultimate aim to go for Social Media Marketing is generating traffic. To achieve this goal you surely need to hire your Social Media Manager carefully. Are you seriously considering hiring a social media manager? If you have made this decision of hiring a social media manager make sure your hiring manager gets an idea about the essential questions to ask while choosing the perfect candidate. There are many owners or hiring managers who are unaware of Social Media Marketing. Hence, it becomes a challenge for the hiring man

Why You Should Use Web Push Notifications

View Larger Image As the name suggests push notifications are nothing but rich content messages. These messages are pushed into a user mobile or PC at a time when the user has actually closed the browser. These messages come directly from a website. The sole objective of various websites offering this feature is to engage the users while being offline from browsing. There is absolutely no requirement of a user being present on the particular website in order to get notified, the notification appears automatically on the big screen. The most basic web push notifications include app and product updates; live scores of various sports and games, news and connection information. And to let you all know, this  push notification  is different from app  push notification  as the latter is limited to mobile phones only, whereas web push notifications appear on the desktop as well. This mode of communication has been trendy in the recent past as it is an excellent marketing st