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2 Ways To Know It’s Time To Change Your Online Marketing Agency

    If you’ve ever hired an Internet marketing agency to do some work for you, chances are you’ve also thought about firing them as well.
    According to a report from the Agency Management Institute, nearly half of companies who use an Internet marketing agency have fired and hired another agency in the last two years. Does this mean that using an online marketing agency is a bad thing? Not at all! But, it doesn’t mean you’re going to be guaranteed success either.

    1. Your Company Doesn’t See Any Results

    The Agency Management Institute has noted that 46% of businesses will let an agency go because they do not see any results. Sounds like a good reason to let any agency go, right? If you’re paying to see results and are not getting any, why should you keep them around, right?
    It’s not always that simple. There are a few questions you need to ask yourself before you decide the agency is at fault:


    Many times, a marketing director doesn’t know the appearance of a successful agency relationship. They tend to have a vague idea of what they’re looking for, but they need a clear expectation to see success come to fruition. With an unclear expectation – doesn’t matter if it’s you or the agency – your agency isn’t going to meet what you want. Click to continue reading


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