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Get Detailed Insight On Waterfall Methodology For Your Next Project

    Project management is about practising, initiating, planning, executing, controlling and closing the work of your team. It is about delivering the final product on a timely basis. Products are temporary, but business is permanent. If you want to run your business efficiently, it is necessary to have a PMT differing from product to product.
    What is the waterfall?
    The waterfall is a project management approach. It is called the waterfall approach as in this approach the project is completed in distinct stages and moves step by step like a fall. The final step is to release the project to customers. You have big plans for your project, but you execute it in a linearly assuming there won’t be any changes in the planned approach.
    Take the traditional project management approach and apply it to the software development you will get a Waterfall.  Waterfall project management approach is not an invention just a name given because of the methodology. There are other ways to manage a project like the Agile approach or Iterate approach. Click to continue reading


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