Free Backup Management VS. Paid- Which One Is Right For You ?

Backup management is an essential part of a successful business. A backup application schedules manage and operated backup processes on the computer, server and backup devices. It is a coherent application that works on client/server architecture for extracting backup.
A backup manager is a typical backup software explicitly designed for enterprise data backup solutions.
You don’t know when a server recovery may arise, so backing up your data is crucial. The question arises whether you need to go for a paid or free backup options. Let’s get some insight on the backup version to choose.

When to use Free Backup Software?

You might need a server recovery on an urgent basis, backing up your current data is a must. Currently, 31 percent of IBM I shops rely on tape for recovery and 10 percent rely on vaulting service, 7 percent backing up to disk. 50 percent of backup relies on high availability solutions in addition to regular backups.
2 percent of IBM I shops have no strategy in place for recovery. This is remarkable, as there are many free backup capabilities integrated into IBM I operating system for saving and restoring data. As there are many free backup capabilities combined to IBM I operating system for protecting and restoring data. Click to continue reading


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