
Showing posts from September, 2018

Must-use Apps & Tools For A Social Media Marketer

Social media is highly used in this decade to promote a product, brand or service. Here’s where Social Media Marketing kicks in! With the rise of various  social media platforms  in the current decade, urgent need of Social Media Marketers has arrived around the globe to cater your business needs. Social media marketers are continuously innovating to promote products and services across various platforms. In this ‘fancy-looking’ world of Social media, such creative apps & tools are needed to fulfill their innovative ideas and thereby to increase business. Here is a list of such simple, yet beneficial applications to ease your needs: Adobe Scan Adobe Scan  is a camera capturing application for creating image text to PDFs. It uses your phone’s camera to scan images and converts into editable PDFs. With the use of Optical Scan Resolution (OCR), Adobe has developed this powerful application to copy and paste the text you scanned. It is beneficial for people who need to scan

Tips to Create A Successful PPC Campaign

PPC stands for pay-per-click, an effective method of internet marketing where advertisers pay a fee, every time one of their ads get clicked. It is a way of buying traffic to your site, rather than attempting to get them visits organically. PPC drives the traffic to your site by using relevant words related to the advertiser’s product or services. Pay Per Click – one of the most widely used methods of digital marketing with an ever-changing, unique and complex structure to get visits. According to a survey, 61% of the people who query on search engines click on the “top-shown” PPC ads. It proves that PPC can play an essential role in  digital marketing services . Many people think that it is easy to create a  PPC campaign . Yes, it is! However, making it successful for your business is what you need. A successful PPC Campaign is not a piece-of-cake for anyone. It requires a thorough knowledge and market understanding of keywords for effective execution. PPC Campaign uses a lo

8 No-Fail Hacks For Attracting More Traffic

Creating an exceptionally attractive piece of content is surely vital to attracting the right amount of audience. With a highly crafted content, your promotion strategy is on point. Yet you see your website traffic is stagnant. You are waiting for those eager readers to read your latest posts. But all you see are a few crickets. You keep analyzing your site on Google Analytics to see if any post went viral.  You keep including content in your content marketing strategy. It is a well-known fact that SEO tactics will help you increase your website ranking. You think SEO will bring your website in search engine and supercharge your traffic. There are strategies that don’t involve SEO but helps your website make noise online. These are a few methods that will help you gain traction of your website again and make conversions on the process. 1. Don’t Formulate It- Juggling between content marketing plans, social media plans, and email marketing plans, you have too much on you

Top Four Digital Marketing Strategies For 2018

Marketing is an ever-evolving business strategy. Surveys suggest that 76 % of respondents feel that marketing had changed drastically in the past two years than in last 50 decades. This is a major change due to the digital marketing revolution trending. Mobile accounts for 72% of digital ad spend. Voice search is also trending from the past year. 60 % of people started using voice search. Social media gets 90 % business for B2C platforms. LinkedIn is a major part of the content marketing strategy for B2B  business structures. With the changing technology, there is a huge change in human behavior, and marketers need to keep up with this change. Here are four digital marketing strategies you need imply this year. Hyper-Focused Content- Marketers are focused on creating significant regular content. Social media, video, photos, Infographic, and interactive content, have saturated the consumers. Your competition is not just the brands in your industry, but you need audiences, at

Best HRM Software For Your Small Business!

Most of the start-ups or small businesses in the early days follow an informal approach to Human Resource management like keeping manual books and records, day-to-day logging activities. Although it may work with a small workforce, it turns out to be a nightmare with increasing workforce and in a long time. An independent survey in 2013 found that small business owners were wasting more than four billion hours each year on admin, almost 41% were apathetic and low on energy for running their companies. The easiest and only way out through this problem is to invest in a good  HRM software  that reduces daily chores and handles daily HR tasks like record keeping, payroll, attendance and much more. Many HRM software is available at low rates providing high-quality services related to employee management. Though sometimes costly, it’s a worth-having investment if you’re still having second thoughts. This article will cover all the topics that you need to keep in mind while inves

BigCommerce VS. Shopify: Which Is The Best Platform For All The Retailers Out There?

For all the retailers out there e-commerce is the future. E-commerce is the futuristic way to go. Having an online store for the future generation who are in the digital world is a futuristic approach. An online store will give a diversified business possibility. Research suggests that 51 percent of purchases are made online. Building a successful business is about creating an online store without any further delay. With technological advancement, this process is significantly more accessible, especially if you are using a point of sale (POS) system with e-commerce integration. In that case, you are ready to launch your own online store. With so many options it gets difficult to choose the perfect e-commerce platform for your business. We will take you to the two most popular  e-commerce  platforms- Shopify and BigCommerce, with the pros and cons of each one of them. SaaS vs. Open Source- Initially, you would want to consider the infrastructure and hardware that empowers

How Google uses DeepMind’s AI to reduce Cooling Bill By 40%

There are over 7,500 Data centers around the world out of which Top 20 global cities have 2,600 of them. The National Resource Defense Council estimated that data centers consume about 3% of global energy production. The concentration of data centers is largest in London with 377 data centers, more than any other city. In 2014, Google started using  Machine Learning  for its data centers and managed to reduce the amount of energy required for cooling by 40 percent. Noted as a vast improvement and a phenomenal step towards energy efficiency in the times when data centers are rapidly increasing, and so is energy demand. DeepMind’s AI DeepMind is an  Artificial Intelligence  development and research company founded in 2010 and headquartered at London. In 2014, Google acquired DeepMind and made it a part of the Alphabet Group. Significant entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Scott Banister are investors in DeepMind along with major venture capital firms such as Horizon Ventures and

The Way Visual And Voice Search Will Help You To Enhance SEO

The era of voice and the visual search started long ago. But the future beholds an optimized voice and visual search. It is assumed by 2021 AI will fully optimize to take over the voice and visual search sector. It started with  Siri  and now we have Google Home, Amazon, Binge, Google Lens, Pinterest Lens. Google will change its algorithm once or twice on a daily basis. The Future of SEO relies on voice and visual search trends. The personal assistance search has reached a smart home from smartphones. Voice search is the Future. Currently, the component of SEO may remain unchanged but the definition of the purpose has changed entirely. The industry is now driven by visual and voice search trends. It is said that 74 percent of shoppers report that text-only search is insufficient for finding the products they want. 74 % of consumers agree that a text-based keyword search is inefficient. 90 % of visual information transmitted to the brain is processed 60,000 times faster t

The Future Innovation Is Driven By Artificial Intelligence

We are already a driven force by Artificial Intelligence. Our future economic and social decisions will be highly dependent on artificial intelligence. The potential future has a broad, innovative perspective in the various sectors. Our future is full of surprises, where you will see a self-driving car, an AI made a shirt and a lot more.     The day is not far when your coffee maker will make your favorite Late before you reach office. Software started on the personal computer and has now reached Artificial Intelligence. Many of the companies are already using the  AI technology  for collection of larger data. AI has proven to be faster than human brains to process, analyze and give decisions on larger data. AI technology will be a service soon- Consumers are already using AI in the form of the Amazon Echo, Google Home, Siri, Google Now and Cortana. These products are sold on a monthly payment basis, which also includes regular software updates and functionality enhancement

Your Guide To Website Speed Test Tools For 2018

Website speed is the most critical factor for Google SEO ranking. Faster loading websites always have the upper hand in  SEO rankings , higher conversions rates, lower bounce rates, longer visitor duration on site, higher engagement and high-quality reader experience. Slow sites have drawbacks like lack of sales, sign-ups, and traffic generated to the site. Above 3 seconds opening time is an optimum speed for traffic generation. A slow site speed makes many visitors leave your site. Auditing page speed is with the help of free tools can give you a better result. There are many free website speed test tools available to help you achieve optimal desired performance. What can you analyze with a website speed test? Points out scripts, fonts, and plugins causing load time issues (HTML, Javascript, CSS) Check minification of your scripts Finds large images that result in a bottleneck Testing time to first Byte (TTFB) It measures the performance of a content delivery network

Why You Should Be Using AI And Machine Learning For Rapid Development

It is the time of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) applications running in a majority of the industry. Have you ever thought about an application of AI and ML to be used for agile development, testing and portfolio management? We all want to deliver better products and meet the customer needs faster. Many companies are using the Agile methods from nearly two decades for faster and timely delivery of products in the market. What is creating this need for faster delivery? 1. It’s all about data. We are in the era of receiving instant pleasures and luxuries we desire. With age of instant pleasures “Amazon Now” orders are delivered to your doorstep in just two hours. The continuous and instant delivery practices create new bug fixes and functionality app and daily software for the rapid and instant delivery of products. The digital era has also changed customer behavior in the past two decades. The way customer’s searches, buys, uses and reviews any prod

Fans – Your Ultimate Brand Champions

A brand or business’ ultimate asset and the most potent weapon is its fan following. Fans are what makes a brand or product popular. It is essential to manage the fans to keep continuing their interest in us. Many brands complain that their social media presence has decreased drastically recently. How their brand is losing its grip on the market. This article will guide you on how to increase your fan engagement and turn them into brand champions. Why Fans Matter? For social visibility, it is essential to have highly engaging fans on social media channels. Few highly engaged fans are better than a large pool of disengaged fans. Fans create a multiplying effect by sharing your contents on their timeline and their followers again repeating the same, and it goes on and on. It helps to increase your social visibility, follower base, and popularity. Click to continue reading

The Importance of Backlinks Building Strategies for SEO

Backlinks are, apart from a content and RankBrain, one of the most important criteria used by Google for PageRank. The truth is that without effective link building your website has no chance for ranking high in the search results. Why? Because the Internet is built on links. They also refer to high-quality content and are the important source of information about your website. High-quality backlinks are absolutely essential for SEO and your website´s strong online presence. Click to continue reading

How to Boost your Business with a White Label SEO Re-seller Program?

SEO is becoming ever more involved with updates in Google’s algorithms like Penguin and Hummingbird, now and then. With increasing complexities, Businesses need to adapt to these changes to improve their branding which ultimately leads to higher profits. It has become almost compulsory for every new business or start-up to have SEO-friendly websites for success and survival among competitors. Businesses all over the world over will be looking at ways that they can boost up their business. After all, you cannot be smug in this business. You must continuously try to get higher rankings in search engine indexes. You need to make sure that you are meeting your client’s demands. Achieving alone can be difficult. Click to continue reading