How Google uses DeepMind’s AI to reduce Cooling Bill By 40%

There are over 7,500 Data centers around the world out of which Top 20 global cities have 2,600 of them. The National Resource Defense Council estimated that data centers consume about 3% of global energy production. The concentration of data centers is largest in London with 377 data centers, more than any other city.
In 2014, Google started using Machine Learning for its data centers and managed to reduce the amount of energy required for cooling by 40 percent. Noted as a vast improvement and a phenomenal step towards energy efficiency in the times when data centers are rapidly increasing, and so is energy demand.

DeepMind’s AI

DeepMind is an Artificial Intelligence development and research company founded in 2010 and headquartered at London. In 2014, Google acquired DeepMind and made it a part of the Alphabet Group. Significant entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Scott Banister are investors in DeepMind along with major venture capital firms such as Horizon Ventures and Founders Fund. Click to continue reading


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