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How an Active Blog on Your Website Affects Google Rankings

    One of the most constant factors of Google search rankings is that they change. Each change brings about new rules and requirements to keep your website at the top of search engine result pages.
    However, while things are continually changing, there are also elements that remain constant – continually leading to more traffic, a higher ranking and increased conversions.
    However, not just any blog will do. You have to create interesting, informative content on a regular basis in order to see any SEO effects with your blog. When you do this, some of the benefits you will see include the following. Top web design agencies always maintain active blogs on their sites – and their clients’ sites – for the following reasons:

    Fresh Content = Increased Rankings

    When you add two to three new blog entries to your blog every week, you will be showing Google that your website is up-to-date, active and worthy of the good rankings. If you leave your website unchanged for weeks or months on end, Google will eventually start ignoring your site. However, if you are constantly adding new and fresh content, you will be rewarded with higher rankings all across the board.
    Helpful Tip: Blogging can actually affect your SEO ranking negatively if you use scraped or low-quality content. You need to ensure that only high quality, unique and relevant posts are published. If you are short on time to write, consider hiring a freelance writer. Click to continue reading


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