
Showing posts from March, 2018

A Mini Guide To Creating Compelling Video For Social Media

In today’s tech world you surely don’t need a mass com degree for creating a compelling video on social media. Untrained marketers are creating outstanding social video content with just a little more gadgets with a smartphone.  People are eagerly watching these videos. Facebook and Snapchat have 8 billion daily video views and YouTube’s 1 billion-plus users. A million users are watching hours of online content every day. This trend is expected to continue, the number of users and viewers are increasing day by day.  Statistics  prove that. As per experts, 74 percent of all internet traffic in 2017 will come from video.  Your competitors are already utilizing this dominant form of content. A  survey by the web marketing video council found that 61 percent of business are using video as a marketing tool. Plan ahead so you can tell a story- Thoughtful, emotional storytelling is the heart of any successful social video. To be remembered, start a story of human st

How an Active Blog on Your Website Affects Google Rankings

One of the most constant factors of Google search rankings is that they change. Each change brings about new rules and requirements to keep your website at the top of search engine result pages. However, while things are continually changing, there are also elements that remain constant – continually leading to more traffic, a higher ranking and increased conversions. However, not just any blog will do. You have to create interesting, informative content on a regular basis in order to see any SEO effects with your blog. When you do this, some of the benefits you will see include the following. Top  web design agencies  always maintain active blogs on their sites – and their clients’ sites – for the following reasons: Fresh Content = Increased Rankings When you add two to three new blog entries to your blog every week, you will be showing Google that your website is up-to-date, active and worthy of the good rankings. If you leave your website unchanged for weeks or

Which Graphic Design Career Suits You [Infographic]

In case you are looking for a career in Graphic Designing then you are at the right place. This is the perfect information you should dig in right now. Many of you are all confused on which graphics designing career is suitable for you. I will give a one-stop solution. Click to continue reading