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Effects And Implementation Of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

    Let us start with, what is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)?
    AMP is an open-source website publishing technology. This technology is designed to improve the performance of web content and advertisements. Google’s AMP project, which includes many other large searches, social and web publishing platforms around the world. AMP pages are published on the open web and can be displayed in most current browsers.
    When a standard webpage has an AMP counterpart, a link to the AAMP page is placed in HTML tag in the source code of the standard page.

    What is Google AMP?

    Google AMP is an excellent way of fast-tracking your content to mobile devices. It is an improved version of the traditional model of mobile serving content, as it relies upon a specific AMP form of HTML. Let’s look at this example of how does AMP page looks on an iPhone 6.
    So the above image shows a basic text and image, the only difference is the content will upload ten times faster than the traditionally formatted content. Click to continue reading


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