Guide To Career Opportunities in IT Sector

Since the last decade, the Information Technology sector is one of the fastest growing industry in the country by hiring nearly 6 million individuals almost every year. It is estimated that IT sector will collectively produce 18 percent additional jobs for global workforce between 2012 and 2022. Of the global IT industry, the significant segments include telecom services which constitute 44 percent, IT hardware – 27 percent, IT services – 18 percent and software – 11 percent. Still, there is a considerable shortage of talented and experienced professionals. According to a survey, 45% of organizations are not able to fill positions due to lack of qualified talents.
There’s no particular definition to the terminology, but Information technology can be defined as the use of computing through various components such as software, hardware, services to develop, manage, transform, share and store information in different forms.
This article serves as a guiding light to make a successful career in the IT sectors. The current trends, and potential career paths that may flourish in future.

Programming & Software Development

Software engineers are behind all the applications we run on our mobile devices and computers. Programming and software development is a very vast field with many languages to work on. It is the most popular field with always on high demands for talented and experienced professionals. Click to continue reading


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