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What is B2B Marketing?

    There are lots of different types of marketing out there and many ways of marketing something to a possible customer.  One of the common terms used is B2B marketing – business to business marketing. But what is this type of marketing and what kind of approaches does a top b2b marketing agency use to reach customers?

    B2B basics

    If you sell your services or products to another company, then you are classed as B2B.  If you sell your products to consumers directly, the general public, then you are classed as B2C (business to customer or consumer).  Let’s take the example of a big international company who wants to upgrade all of the computers in its offices. It doesn’t go to a local computer store and try to buy them – it goes to a B2B computer retailer to buy in bulk, ensure it gets the right type of products and the best price.
    Marketing to B2B companies is very different from marketing for B2C companies.  You will usually work with experts such as Agency Inc who specialize in marketing B2B companies and their products or services. Click to continue reading


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