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5 Awesome Logo Designing Tips

    Logos are often the first impression individuals have of your business – they need to impress, say something and also look good – here are some great tips to design an awesome logo.

    1. Keep it Simple

    It is advisable that you keep your logo as simple as possible. If there is too much for the audience to focus on with your logo, then it will likely be hard for both existing and potential customers to get acquainted and recognize it. Too much flamboyance in a design can be quite distracting and could take away from the logo’s core objective considering that it is your brand’s representation.

    Whether you are redesigning your old logo or designing a new one for a new company, it’s important to remember that logos are intended to symbolize the brand, so it is crucial to make sure that your logo is appealing and that you use a clean design. Just make sure that all logos should appear as they should, that is with a duotone – black on a white background.

    Let’s consider Windows. While the brand itself has undergone several logo redesigns since its inception, their current logo design is a modernized version of all the logos that came before it. The new logo is arguably their cleanest and simplest design yet. Click to continue reading


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