
Showing posts from January, 2018

How To Craft a Perfect About Us Page [Infographic]

Analytics show that one of the most frequently visited page on a website is the “About Us” page or an “About Me” page. Its the page for you to showcase what you are, what are the core values that you stand for and why should your visitors go with you and become your customers. The “About Us” page gives you an opportunity to impress your future prospects who are looking into getting your services or products.  You better not lose that chance!    I have seen a lot of businesses taking their “About Us” page for granted and just focusing all their energy on their  Home Page  or their  Services Page,  which no doubt are important but that doesn’t mean you should forget about the equally important “About us” page. Click to continue reading

Effects And Implementation Of Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

Let us start with, what is Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)? AMP is an open-source website publishing technology. This technology is designed to improve the performance of web content and advertisements. Google’s AMP project, which includes many other large searches, social and web publishing platforms around the world. AMP pages are published on the open web and can be displayed in most current browsers. When a standard webpage has an AMP counterpart, a link to the AAMP page is placed in HTML tag in the source code of the standard page. What is Google AMP? Google AMP is an excellent way of fast-tracking your content to mobile devices. It is an improved version of the traditional model of mobile serving content, as it relies upon a specific AMP form of HTML. Let’s look at this example of how does AMP page looks on an iPhone 6. So the above image shows a basic text and image, the only difference is the content will upload ten times faster than the traditionally

A Simple Guide To Marketing On Reddit

Reddit is a site which more about news and information. It’s like a social media bulletin board. The name Reddit arrived from the phrase ” I read it on Reddit”. You would want to use this media platform for content marketing or product marketing like other social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook etc. Reddit is a forum for discussions and news and redditors hate direct marketing. But as per records in the year 2017 Reddit had 542 million monthly visitors every month with 234 million unique users. Reddit calls itself “The Front Page of the Internet” #reddit #marketing #socialmedia  Click To Tweet Reddit is the 4th most visited site in the U.S. Now you surely don’t want to miss on that huge number of audience. This is a similar platform to Quora but on a larger scale. Users will upvote your content or bulletin and that’s how you can generate more leads. These are a few marketing tips to use on Reddit: 1. Redditors hate direct marketing The reason is

4 Steps To Convert Your Visitors Into Brand Ambassadors [Infographic]

You are your brand’s biggest ambassador!  Do you agree? But what if you can turn all your website visitors into your brand ambassadors. Wouldn’t that be awesome? You are your brand's biggest ambassador #brandawareness #marketing #infographic  Click To Tweet 74% of consumers consider word-of-mouth  recommendations and 59% consider the brand’s website as a key factor in their purchasing decisions. Which means that if your visitors are singing your praises that exponentially grow your chances of getting more customers and can take your business to a new height. What can make your visitors sing your praises? They need to fall in love with your brand to be your brand’s advocates!  Here are 4 simple steps that every business or every brand can implement to turn their visitors into their brands biggest ambassadors. Click to continue reading