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6 SEO Best Practices To Boost Traffic To eCommerce Store

  • E-commerce SEO Best Practices
    All online business owners are well aware of the importance of SEO for generating traffic online. But you are not able to do so because you are unaware of the SEO best practices. You may have got your website made by a professional but generating good amount of traffic can only be done with great SEO techniques.
    eCommerce has one big SEO backup that is a lot of content. You surely have this backup for your long-term traffic generation. Apart from your company blog your product pages should also be a key driver of SEO. E-commerce stores surely have this working for them.
    Optimize your home page, your product pages, and your eCommerce blog by using these SEO techniques.

    What is SEO?

    SEO is surely not a new word to you if you have a website. SEO means generating traffic from free and natural search results on your search engines.
    SEO plays a significant role in optimising your website. SEO is the process to help increase your ranking in search engine results. Many online store owners are using these SEO techniques unknowingly.
    So here I have some best practices for an e-commerce owners to increase your ranking in all search engines.

    1. Keywords

    For an efficient e-commerce SEO campaign, you need to have an optimised keyword search for your site and products. Your list of keywords influences your SEO search the most. E.g. Your site’s architecture and URL should take your keywords into account. So now you know keyword search is of major significance for e-commerce sites.
    Keywords for e-commerce products –  Most keywords are information keywords. These are focused on help content. e.g. How to cook a turkey? But keywords for eCommerce products should be focused on the product description with long-tail keywords. You need to keep product concentrated keywords in mind.
    You should take the example of Amazon as it is the most extensive e-commerce website in the world. Have a look at the Amazon keyword research.
    searching amazon for products | eCommerce SEO best practices
    As you can see in the picture, they have such long tail targeted keywords and this has been the primary reason for the success of Amazon.  I just searched for gardening tools for garden and I got specified keywords options in the search result. You should try your best to optimise your site with such long tail keyword search options. Amazon will sometimes suggest categories above keyword search. If your group is unique include this unique feature in your category page keyword.
    Do a keyword research, by this; you will know how people are searching for your products. This will help you optimize critical on-page elements and increase your traffic. Use keyword tool dominator to have end number of keyword suggestions. Click to continue reading


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