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LinkedIn Profile Tips: 10 Ways to Keep Your Page Fresh

  • LinkedIn Profile Tips 10 Ways to Keep Your Page Fresh
    LinkedIn world’s largest professional network with more than 467 million registered users over 200 countries. In research, it was found that more than 2members join LinkedIn every second. So, from this statics, you would have understood the impact of this professional site on people. This is a one-stop site for both the job seeker or employees and recruiter’s or employers.
    LinkedIn is a business, and employment-oriented social networking service carried out on websites and mobile applications. With the help of this site you can get yourself connected to different business associates, clients and colleagues you already know. Here in this article, I would like to mention some tips to keep your page fresh…

    1. Update your LinkedIn photo

    “First impression is the best impression” so make it count!  You will have to take into account the way you are displaying your profile picture. It is important to throw a professional impact when the recruiters view your profile.
    LinkedIn profile | LinkedIn Profile Tips: 10 Ways to Keep Your Page Fresh
    Many factors affect the best impression of your image, but if you are not rendering what you are supposed to, then you will not be able to hit the nail.
    So, before you select an image cross-check whether the quality of the image that you have chosen is up to a point or not, if not then get it altered. The correct format of the image matters a lot.
    You cannot compromise on it, and you will have to post a picture in which you have no other bodies that you have cropped or the one which is oversized or undersized. You should capture that image in a manner that the accurate representation of your personality gets displayed in the picture.

    2. Update your LinkedIn Status

    Keep on updating your LinkedIn status on a regular basis, this will help you get yourself found very quickly. Make it a daily routine to like once or twice a day.
    Many professionals use LinkedIn for finding companies or professional connections for getting noticed to get into a business. Many other people use a source to get connected with their past company and colleagues with whom they worked. There are also many who have used this source as a professional hiking opportunity by building new connections.
    Factbrowser has found that LinkedIn is a platform where 77% registered members use the site for finding new companies and business resources, 65% of members use it as a source to get connected with their past business associates and 50% members to build new business connections.

    3. Unique Profile Heading

    Profile heading is one among those features that people look at first when they visit your LinkedIn profile. So, having an alluring profile heading is something that you should be having for getting yourself noticed and stand out from the crowd. A unique profile has set a huge trend among people which is eventually a result of better visibility and higher ranking.
    LinkedIn profile heading | LinkedIn Profile Tips: 10 Ways to Keep Your Page Fresh
    Describing your job profile is among those things which can work in your favor or can backfire. Even if you are unemployed and you are representing your work profile in a manner that puts your standard high, then you are opening many opportunities for your work. For example: “Mechanical Engineer seeking to build machines with public companies.”
    But if you put yourself down by adding a profile heading like “Unemployed and seeking..” then you are making a big mistake in selling your talent, my friend. Never write such quotes as this is something which will never add a positive impression to your profile.
    All the recruiters waiting out there are in search of a person who is confident enough that they can effortlessly handle the job responsibilities and wait for their work get done as soon as possible. So, make sure that you hit the nail at the right time and this is that one reason because of which even the minutest thing matter in your LinkedIn profile. Click to continue reading


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