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7 Ways Use Hashtag Marketing to Grow Your Business on Twitter

    Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms with 328 million active visitors a month, 100 million daily active visitors and a whopping 500 million tweets a day!! Those are some really big number to consider adding Twitter Marketing to your social media marketing strategy. Don’t you agree?
    A hashtag is a simple process to throw on some hashtags to the end of tweets. The marketing carried out on Twitter is simply adequate. The reach of your brand to the range of audience will increase with twitter marketing. This will help you gain more followers, prospect clients and hence you will be able to generate more clients from twitter marketing.
    Since the evolution of hashtags, you now know what twitter marketing is? and how are posts being posted on it? This will help you generate lead and clients towards your website. This sort of marketing helps you grow your business on twitter.
    Many searchable and clickable contents are to as tweets.  Click on these tweets to view a stream of tweets that contain hashtags.
    The best thing about Twitter is that you can use this platform for cross-promoting the brand and its services.
    Twitter has this advanced feature which can be used to find people who are interested in your main topic and are active on other social networking sites. When you can find people, then you should start a conversation and build a relationship with people. Click to continue reading


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