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10 Key Elements To Consider When Building First Website

  • 10 Key Elements To Consider When Building First Website
    Are you planning to build your first website? It can be a daunting task to do. There is so much to do: all the decisions to take, contents to write, layout to plan and obviously, a website to launch. But if you divide this massive task into smaller units and keep fundamentals clear in your mind, it would become a lot easier.
    How do I know this? From experience! I have launched a lot of websites (few for my personal business that I have co-founded with Himanshu Patel, and a lot of our clients that we work with through our digital marketing business ItsGuru). With a lot of research and changes o the website, we have defined a basic checklist of key elements that every new website should be following. There is no “one fit for all” solution as it totally depends on a lot of other factors like:  the type of business and the niche, your budget, your technical skills, etc. But there are a few basic fundamentals that remain the same for any business you are targeting.
    What are those fundamentals? What are the points of guidelines or tips, one must strike out of the list in order to develop their first website successfully?
    We are here to clear that cloud of confusion and give you a straight insight into how you can make the task of launching website, a breeze.

    1. Start Off With a Purpose And Have a Vision

    This is a universal fact that everything starts with a purpose. Purpose and visions are like building blocks of anything, so is with the website.
    Build your #website with purpose and visions. They are like building blocks of anything! #startup
    Why are you building a website? Why do you need it? What is the purpose behind it?
    If you have answers to these questions, you are half way there at building your website.
    If your website is about a service or products, if it is merely informational or personal website, develop it keeping the purpose in mind. You should not leave your visitors guessing about the purpose of your website, that’s the last thing that a visitor want to do.

    2. Plan & Design Your Website Smartly

    Have you ever heard of anything being built without any planning? Even if so, have you ever heard of it lasting long? No!!
    Anything build, without planning is doomed to failure, so is your website!!
    Therefore, plan your website ahead, what are the things to be displayed, how they should react and what should be your user experience are some of the areas that need to be looked meticulously.
    For example, if you are a graphic designer, plan and design your website in Avada Theme or if you are a journalist design. your website in magazine layout theme.
    Plan your design and layout, come up with relevant and smart content, spend some time collecting high-quality visuals and plan your SEO strategies (as is discussed in coming points) for your website. Planning will help you monitor your path, what you did so far and what you have to do now. Click to continue reading


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